Common Questions and Answers about AGEC

High School Students
Is taking part in AGEC compulsory?
Not at all – but once you realise how much you’re learning, how much fun you’re having, and how you’re able to add weight to your CV from the AGEC Certificate awaiting you at the end of gameplay – you’ll be so glad you took part. Plus, it’s free, so there’s absolutely nothing to lose.
I’m in Grade 7 this year. Can I participate?
Unfortunately, this challenge is only for High School students. Don’t worry though – we will have a great game for Primary School learners launching soon.
I am a past participant, do I need to create a new profile?
Starting in 2024 we have an all-new gaming hub that will be bigger and better than before! This means that you will need to create a new profile. From 2024 onwards, you will be able to keep the same account.
“School Not Found” - My school isn’t on the list. Now what?
AGEC aims to have all High Schools in participating countries take part in the Entrepreneurship Challenge, so all schools are welcome. If you are having trouble locating your school on the registration form, no worries! Simply email us at info@theentrepreneurshipchallenge.com with the full School Name and Province the school is in and we’ll add it for you.
I need to update the information on my profile (new school, contact number, name change, grade change). Should I create a new account instead?
Creating a new account won’t be necessary. Email us at info@theentrepreneurshipchallenge.com with your query and the updates you need to make and our technical support team will assist you with the updates.
What skills will I gain?
By completing the game, you’ll learn what it’s like to start a humble business and grow it into a big success! You’ll deal with choosing products, setting prices, researching customer feedback and paying staff. What’s more, you can see how your success enables you to make a difference in your community. You can explore different strategies to grow your business as much as possible within the time limit.
Do I need any prior knowledge before I join? Do I need to know anything about business, accounting, or technology to play the game well?
No! There is no prior knowledge of any sort required. You’ll learn everything you need to know by playing the game and participating in activities. Just come to have lots of fun in a video-game style challenge, because that is the pathway to mastering business in AGEC.
How do I claim my certificate?
Once you have completed the game and the competition is over, your certificate will be available to download on the Gaming Hub.
How much time should I allocate to the game?
It takes about 30 minutes to complete the game, but you can play it more than once to see if you can beat your previous score and climb higher on the leaderboard.
How long is the gameplay duration?
The High School game will be available for 3 months and each country has a different start date. Players can start and complete the game anytime within this period. It takes about 30 minutes to complete the game, but you can play it more than once to increase your score!
But it’s so fun! Can’t I play the game after the gameplay period ends?
Good news! The game will be available to play any time during the year, but only scores during the gameplay timeframe will be eligible for any prizes or rankings.
Is it really free?
Yes, participation is completely free, however, you will be responsible for the data costs associated with playing the game.
How much data does the game use?
The all-new Allan Gray: High School game only takes up to 14MB to play!
How do I play the game offline?
First, you will need to log in to the game while online and choose to download the game. As long as you have allowed your browser to keep you logged in, you will be able to log in the next time offline.
I’m experiencing issues on the Gaming Hub. How do I contact support?
You can get in touch with our Chatbot on the website or Gaming Hub for support. Alternatively, you can email info@theentrepreneurshipchallenge.com
I did not receive a confirmation email after registration / my token has expired. What do I do next?
We encourage you to get in touch with our Chatbot on the website or Gaming Hub for support. Alternatively, you can email info@theentrepreneurshipchallenge.com

High School Teachers
How can I facilitate the Allan Gray: High School Game in my classroom?
The game only takes 30 minutes to play on a mobile or desktop device with an internet connection to submit scores to the national leaderboard. We encourage teachers to schedule a lesson in their school’s computer room facilities to accommodate for this.
I’m a Primary School Teacher. Can my learners participate?
Yes! We have a primary school business game (Allan Gray: Primary Champions) that will be launching soon. You can subscribe to our email updates to be the first to know how to register your learners.
My learners are experiencing issues/errors with the game. How can they contact support?
You can send support requests to info@theentrepreneurshipchallenge.com for assistance.
“School Not Found” – Our school isn’t on the list
AGEC aims to have all High Schools in South Africa participating in the entrepreneurship challenge, so all schools are welcome. If you are having trouble locating your school on the registration form, no worries! Simply email us at info@theentrepreneurshipchallenge.com with the full School Name and Province the school is in, and we’ll add it for you.
I did not receive a confirmation email after registration/My token has expired. What do I do?
Please get in touch with our Chatbot on the website or Gaming Hub for support. Alternatively, you can email info@theentrepreneurshipchallenge.com
What are my responsibilities as a Champion Teacher?
Joining our teacher portal allows you to register the students in your classroom, and then keep track of how they are progressing in the game.
Your teacher’s pack will help a great deal in this regard: it’s full of the information you need to help your learners cover the content required to perform well in the week’s quest. You can access this teacher’s pack on the Gaming Hub when you log in.
What is a Champion Teacher?
Teachers involved in the school management team (or Principals, Deputies, Secretaries, HoDs and Governing Body Members) might need access to data of learners – not just in a class, but across all classes in the entire school. Registering as a Champion Teacher gives you this access (whereas registering as a normal Teacher gives you access to data of the learners in your own class only).
How do I register my school to take part in the Challenge?
We have already added a list for all schools across South Africa, Eswatini, Botswana and Namibia. On the registration form, simply select the province you’re in, then start typing the first few characters of your school’s name and then select from the options that appear. You will be linked as a teacher to that school and will also be able to furnish the profile of your school with information about it and school photos.

Parents & Mentors
Is taking part in AGEC compulsory?
AGEC is entirely voluntary. That said, it’s a wonderful opportunity for your child to gain a competitive edge by acquiring skills which will serve them very well going forward.
How is my child’s data used?
Data is used for purposes of gameplay. AGEC is fully POPI compliant, and you have the option to unsubscribe from emails at any point. For those registrants who wish to receive marketing communications, there is a checkbox on the registration that can be used to “opt-in” to those communications.
How much time will my child have to dedicate to playing the game?
The Allan Gray: High School Game takes 30 minutes to complete, but can be played multiple times to improve scores.

General Players
Can anybody play the Allan Gray High School Game?
Yes! Anybody is welcome to play the Allan Gray: High School Game.
I’m not in high school, can I still compete for prizes?
Unfortunately, prizes can only be won by high-school learners.
Is the game free for general players?
The game is free for everybody.
How much data do I need to play?
The game uses only around 14MB from start to finish!
Why should I play?
If you are a teacher, parent, or family member of a player playing the game, it will give you insight into what high school players are experiencing. By knowing how the game works, you are also best equipped to guide their playthrough of the game. Plus, the game is fun for all ages, and we think you might become just as invested as the high school players.

Primary School Learners
Is there a game for primary school learners?
Yes, the Allan Gray: Primary Champions is a game specifically designed for primary school learners.
When is Allan Gray: Primary Champions available?
Keep your eyes peeled – We will be launching the game soon
Can primary school learners play the Allan Gray: High School Game?
While primary school learners can technically play the game for high school learners only when registered as a general player, we would not encourage it as the concepts in the high school game are more advanced and require more quick thinking and high-order decision-making than most primary school learners are developmentally ready for. We would much rather encourage their participation oncethe Allan Gray: Primary Champions Game launches.
Do primary school learners get a certificate for playing Allan Gray: Primary Champions?
Yes! Primary school learners will be eligible for a certificate for playing the game.
What areas of learning does Allan Gray: Primary Champions touch on?
The main areas of learning that the game develops are numeracy, literacy and basic business concepts.